Sunday, April 4, 2010

The iPad or the Gospel, According to Apple

The iPad is out and the verdict is in. Congratulations, Apple. You’ve produced a brand new whtatchamacallit. And ain’t It a beauty?
Like most of the world, I haven't had a chance to smudge one of these things with my fingerprints. So in true pundit tradition, I can comment freely. There are a number of questions worth asking.
What's it really for?
It seems to be a place to keep all your media in one cool, shiny basket. Descriptions suggest that it's a stay-at-home or perhaps pack this instead of your laptop device. We know that it's particularly good for visual things, such as photographs and YouTube downloads. We know it is hard to look at in direct sunlight despite its e-reader apps for books newspapers and magazines. We know that publishers are starting to line up to partner with Apple. (Perhaps there's more to launching the iPad on Easter than we thought.)
Will it be a Kindle killer or netbook killer or chiller theater killer?
In the words of Faust, go know. It depends upon what the market, you know consumers, the public, people really want in a media device. Those who recall the videotape wars might also remember Betamax turned out to be superior to VHS. A lot of good it did Sony. It seems the public preferred VHS because it consistently offered more recording and viewing time than Betamax. Speaking of VCRs, the public also prefer to rent rather than buy videos, despite some very strong arm tactics by the movie studios. So what traits will the public want in a media tablet? We won't know until they actually begin experiencing the ipad.
Will it be a skyrocket or a dud?
This is the old we love a success and hate a loser question. Beats the heck out of me. I'm guessing it will go to something not only cool and useful but I suspect the e-reader part will assume minor consequence of all the way. So, will it be Godfather 2 or Godfather 3? It may have all the right ingredients but do they thrill or do they smell? The answer lies not in the Gospel, according to Apple; but in the privacy of your own homes.

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